
I have to say I got the inspiration to give this a whirl from my wife. She recently started her first blog.

My New Direction: http://mynewdirection.wordpress.com/

She finds it to be a nice outlet for her. She is a writer by trade and I am far from that. In thinking about her contributions to the web and the impact that it might have some day made me think a little bit. This could be something that someone else reads a thousand years from now or I may get bored of it and this is my first and last post. Time will tell.

My thoughts for this were to possibly track some of the paths I go down in life and maybe some day it will be something my kids come across and grand kids and see what I did. Who knows. For now, it might be a nice tool for me to briefly write some stuff out here for reference now, in the future, during some off the wall travels, whatever. Maybe others will also find some of the content helpful as well.

Anyway, welcome and if it is a thousand years from now and you are seeing this. Hi. Enjoy, and welcome to a snapshot of me in 2010.


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